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water faucet with cat   Did you know our bodies, these complicated vessels we take for granted, are about 60% water? Neither did I, until it was brought to my attention I was flirting with dehydration, plunging me head first into search mode without my floaties.

Water does so much more than quench your thirst:

–  It makes up much of the medium that helps our cells communicate with each other.

–  It helps to regulate body temperature.

–  Aids your kidneys by flushing out toxins, reducing the risk of stones and UTI’s (ouch!).

–  In digestion and regularity, it maintains the balance of bodily fluids helping to maintain a healthy gastrointestinal system.  (I love you, Dr. Davis, but the fewer colonoscopies the better!)

–  Let’s not forget the skin, the largest organ in the body.  Water can keep it looking good, considering skin contains water and without it will appear dry and wrinkled. (No!)

–  Water helps to energize muscles.  Cells that don’t maintain their balance of fluids and electrolytes, shrivel and can result in fatigue resulting in cramps and sprains.

–  Water can promote weight loss.  Choose it over a high caloric beverage to reduce hunger.

–  It’s a natural headache remedy.

–  Water can boost your immune system.

It is the very last benefit of water I’m adding to this list that opened my eyes – wide.  Since our brains, also mostly water, allow us the abilities to think, focus, and concentrate; what is the consequence of functioning a quart or so low?

To be considered dehydrated, a person would have to lose 10% of his or her body weight.  But as little as 1 to 2 % can affect athletic performance, cause tiredness and dull critical thinking abilities such as memory.  When we stop and think we lose water just by breathing, sweating, and digesting food; is it any wonder why we continuously misplace our car keys, need to make lists for any more than 2 items, and would lose our heads if they weren’t permanently attached? (Or is it just me?)

But how much water do we need?  We’ve all heard 8 glasses a day.  It is now believed that was more of a guide line and not based on scientific evidence.  Your consumption should be based on general health, activity, and climate.  Also, if you drink large quantities of coffee or caffeinated soft drinks, you may think that counts as a plus, but actually they work as a diuretic.  For people like me, living in the tropics with a healthy coffee addiction, hydrating may become a full time job.

Ok, so you get the importance but hate the taste.  It’s tasteless – and better than other things that are good for you like liver and brussels sprouts. Yuck! Try squeezing a lemon or orange wedge into it for flavor.

So take a drink, and remember to leave me a comment!

From The Point – Always Lori Flynn

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